Turn Your Staff Into Working Machines By Keeping Them Motivated

The staff are the engine room of any business. Without them you couldnt do anything. You wouldnt have a business. And even if you have a room full of people they wont be any good if they come into work every day wishing they were somewhere else. And that happens more than you know. Most people hate their jobs. They feel unmotivated. This could be the difference between success and failure. You need to make sure they are motivated at all times. Imagine you have something that really needs to be finished and sent out. Its late on a Friday afternoon and everyone is ready to go home. You have someone who absolutely loves their work. They will stay and make sure the job is finished. On the other hand, an unmotivated employee wont care. They will jump in their car and off they go. You missed the deadline. If you dont want that to happen then take note of these ideas of ways to motivate the staff. Be flexible Some people have busier lives than you will ever know. Work doesnt happen to be the most important thing in the world to them. Their family is. There are times when people have stuff to do when they should be at work. Maybe they cant pick up the kids and have to organize someone to collect them. Do you think they will be motivated as the end of the day approaches? No Way. You want your employee to be fired up whenever they are at work. If they feel they should be somewhere else youve lost them for those few hours. Its a waste of time being there. To make sure they are always on top of their game you should organize flexi-time. Let them come in and leave when they want. Obviously there will be certain conditions, but its an easy way to keep them motivated. Guide them They are looking at you as an example to follow. If you arent giving 100% they will become a lot less motivated to do their work. When they left school they didnt decide to start their own company. They are not driven by passion. They are driven by leadership. That means you need to step up to the plate. When you see someone working with a smile it can inspire you. It could be the difference between having a quick look at Facebook or continuing with your work. Be fair with them. Dont expect the world if you are not prepare to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. Do it, and watch what happens. Make it fun Obviously this doesnt mean you should go to the extreme. Nobody is telling you to hire a magician to come into work and entertain them. Thats fun, but its pretty unprofessional. If you make the workplace a more enjoyable environment they will be a lot more eager to get into work in the morning. They will become a perfect employee. Can you think of anything you could do to add a little spice to the office? What about playing some music. Not loud. Just enough to give them something good to listen to as they work. And make every Friday a casual dress day. Let them leave work happy and they might show up to work on Monday more motivated.

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