Communication: The Key To Good Leadership

If you want to be a good leader, you need to be a good communicator. Think about a general on the field; if the troops dont know what the general is saying or worse, if they think they understand but dont, the results are disastrous. There are many qualities that contribute to making someone a good leader, and you will find that you should consider how you can become a better communicator. Really Listen Good communication goes two ways. You need to be able to express yourself, and you also need to make sure that you understand what is going on around you. When you are talking to someone, do not simply nod along. Be an active listener and give them your full attention. Not only does this make someone feel like a valued member of the team, you will also find that it is an instrumental part of learning what is going around you. Make sure that you know what they are saying and why they are saying it the way that they are. Speak Slowly One thing that prevents good communication is speaking too fast. When you speak too fast, people miss things, and they also get the idea that you are a nervous or jittery individual. When you speak, make sure that you do not feel rushed. This can be a little nerve-wracking if you are somewhat shy by nature, but you will find that this is something that can make a huge difference to your reputation and to your standing as a communicator. Think, Then Speak It is a simple rule, but thinking and then speaking is something that can make a huge difference to the way that you move forward. Poor communication happens when you start to say something, and then realize that you need to change the entire statement about halfway through. This confuses people, and it can lead to some serious communication difficulties further on down the line. Form your thoughts completely before you speak and then lay them out carefully. Take Questions Communication requires that information get passed from you as the leader to the people below you, and if they have an incomplete view of the world as it stands, they are not going to be doing the work that you want them to do. After you have finished speaking, make sure that you ask for questions. Be very clear when things are not up for discussion; however, taking questions will only clarify your stance. This is a good way to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Repeat If Necessary Some people are not going to get it the first time around. They may have issues with verbal instructions or they might simply have bad memories. Remember that you can do more than just talk. Leave notes, send emails and post signs to get your point across. When you want to be a good leader, take a moment to learn more about how communication affects everything that you are trying to say.

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